Year 5 and 6 Survey March 2021
Food for Thought
Year 6 Big Day Out Survey
Copy and paste the link to take the survey.
End of Term 2 Survey
It's the end of Term 2 and time again for our student survey. We spent a lot of time in the first weeks of the term learning about emotional literacy. Has this made a difference for you? For our team? Let's find out. Click here to take the survey (your teacher will give you the password) or scan the QR code your teacher has. Please be honest and reasonable- it is NOT a chance for a rant. Thank you from the Arrowsmith teachers.
Student Survey- End of Term 1
The Arrowsmith teachers would like to ask you how you are feeling at school and have made a survey for you to complete by the end of the term. Your teacher will give you time during class to do this.
All responses are anonymous- this means that nobody knows who put what. Please be HONEST and include details if you are not happy. The more information you give us, the more we can help you.
Click here to begin the survey. You will need a password which your teacher will give you.
All responses are anonymous- this means that nobody knows who put what. Please be HONEST and include details if you are not happy. The more information you give us, the more we can help you.
Click here to begin the survey. You will need a password which your teacher will give you.
School Leaders 2019
Congratulations to all of the Year 6 students who applied for a school leader position this year. Five boys and seven girls spoke to teachers and other staff earlier this week. Everyone commented about the high standard of candidates and were extremely impressed with everyone. After much debate, seven students were chosen to go through to the finals. These seven students then spoke to the Arrowsmith syndicate.
Our school leaders for 2019 are... Dallas and McKinley. We know you will do a fantastic job!
Our school leaders for 2019 are... Dallas and McKinley. We know you will do a fantastic job!